Serious satire
"Humor is a funny way of being serious"
-Thomas Edison
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Copyright© 2001-2010, Renato Obeid
"Top blog/Renato Obeid's World/Today's pick: This rambling weblog is worth reading not so much for its satirical posts but more for its insight into the minutiae of life in Lebanon, including the etiquette of road accidents and how to hire a taxi.”
-Jane Perrone, The Guardian
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Worrying about long-term problems is a distant luxury for this insomniac. It’s the short-term problems that keep me awake and they’re mainly to do with the insomnia itself. Insomnia feeds on and perpetuates itself until it supplants the original problems that may have caused it and it becomes the problem itself. During the day we busy ourselves and don’t have much time to worry about our problems. It’s at night when we’re trying to sleep that those problems that have been hiding under the bed all day ambush us. Tomorrow is a long way away when you’re trying to sleep. “Tomorrow’’ for me begins when I wake up whenever that is. Everything is magnified when you can’t sleep. You really think that you’re going to die sometimes and you don’t really care as long as it’s not painful and protracted. Last night I had a dream that there was a coffin in a hearse outside my building. Quiet unsettling but I didn’t give it much thought during the day but, now that the insomnia demons are back, I know who it was for – it was for me. It never occurred to me to think that it was for me until now. It’s always somebody else. ‘’Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.’’ Maybe I’m already dead and in hell (I certainly feel like a like a zombie and this certainly feels like hell) and maybe you’re dead too (God forbid) and reading this is your hell. As for the cause of death, no need for an autopsy, the cause of my death will be nearly every person I’ve dealt with substantially throughout my entire life. Everybody murders everybody else they just don’t know it. See you all in hell - I’ll introduce you to the devil even though I suspect we’re already there and that you don’t need introducing.
8:00 pm