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    "Top blog/Renato Obeid's World/Today's pick: This rambling weblog is worth reading not so much for its satirical posts but more for its insight into the minutiae of life in Lebanon, including the etiquette of road accidents and how to hire a taxi.” -Jane Perrone, The Guardian

    Thursday, May 15, 2008  
    As you may have gathered from my exposés of Lebanese animists, Lebanon is quite a windy place which is, despite what the animists might think, a good thing.
    There’s almost always a cool breeze in summer.
    Lebanon is a very good place for drying laundry.
    I’ll often put up my washing, go and have lunch and come back to find the washing dry.
    Lebanon has great capacity for wind farming although I don’t know whether this animism would extend to being afraid to use electricity generated by wind.

    Lebanon’s other great natural resource is water.
    Lebanon has a water surplus in a water deficit region so if we were to utilize this asset properly we could probably live of it.
    Water is more precious and less abundant than oil in this part of the world.
    They say that before the civil war the Saudis proposed that they build an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon and send us oil in exchange for a pipeline going the other way supplying them with water.
    I don’t know why it never happened but I imagine that the oil companies may have had something to do with it.
    Even nowadays, drivers of Saudi road tankers delivering petrol to Lebanon will often fill their tankers up with water after they’ve delivered their load and drive back to Saudi Arabia with it.
    There was recent talk about Lebanon importing water to Cyprus, which is experiencing a drought, but the Lebanese government nixed it after public outcry here – despite having all this water our infrastructure is very bad and most Lebanese will often suffer from water shortages (‘’water water everywhere but not a drop to drink’’.
    In the meantime most of our water is ‘’exported’’ straight to the Mediterranean and it’s a terrible waste.

    12:00 am

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