Thursday, December 28, 2006
RENATO OBEID IS RENATOOBEIDSWORLD'S MAN OF THE YEAR - unprecedented fourth year in a row "I'm shocked and stunned!This is just so unexpected - a total surprise!When did this happen?" -'s Man of the Year, Renato Obeid on learning of the honour.
Editor’s note: There has been considerable controversy of late over how one man can win four consecutive polls (as if that’s never happened before in the Arab world, or in the Western world for that matter – Australian Prime Minister John Howard is in his fifth consecutive term) but the editor maintains that this result is a true reflection of the wish(es) of the regular reader(s) of this blog (namely himself). Nevertheless, in the interests of transparency, President Jimmy carter is cordially invited to monitor next year’s poll to confirm that I haven’t coerced myself into voting for myself. As for allowing multiple candidates to run, that would be anarchy and, as the old Arabic proverb goes, better a hundred years of tyranny than one night of anarchy.
8:00 pm