Sunday, December 11, 2005
An estimated mob of 5000 Anglo-Australians riot against Australian/Lebanese Muslims at Cronulla Beach in Sydney. This first race riot in modern Australian history, which has rightly been condemned by all right-minded Australians, came after years of racist provocation by Australian/Lebanese Muslim Australians culminating in the recent stabbing of a lifeguard on the beach where the riots occurred. How annoying do you have to be to get Australians upset enough to riot? I got to hand it to them (Australian/Lebanese Muslims). Nonetheless, despite the best efforts of a small minority of Australian Muslims and the small minority of Anglo-Australians who overreacted to them, Australia remains the world's only truly multicultural society.The Governor of the state of NSW (where the riots occurred), Professor Marie Bashir, is herself of Lebanese origin, as is the Premier of the neighboring state of Victoria, Steve Bracks.
8:00 pm