Friday, December 30, 2005
Throughout my boyhood I accumulated a comic book empire (some dating as far back as the 1930’s) that numbered some two thousand by the time I left Australia in 1991, when I left them in the ‘’care’’ of some friends in Melbourne. When I returned to Melbourne in 1998, the ‘’trustees’’ gave me varying accounts of what had happened to them – one being that the comic books had perished in a fire in their garage. They probably just threw them away. A tragedy I compare to the sacking of the Library of Alexandria. The comics may have gone but the comic remains.
11:15 pm
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
RENATO OBEID IS RENATOOBEIDSWORLD'S MAN OF THE YEAR - unprecedented third year in a row "I'm shocked and stunned!This is just so unexpected - a total surprise!When did this happen?" -'s Man of the Year, Renato Obeid on learning of the honour.
11:41 pm
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Who would have thought that we’d ever get to the stage where parked cars are more dangerous than moving cars in Lebanon? When I was boy, in more innocent times, ‘’parking’’ meant something else entirely (a different kind of ‘’bang’’).
1:45 am
Sunday, December 11, 2005
An estimated mob of 5000 Anglo-Australians riot against Australian/Lebanese Muslims at Cronulla Beach in Sydney. This first race riot in modern Australian history, which has rightly been condemned by all right-minded Australians, came after years of racist provocation by Australian/Lebanese Muslim Australians culminating in the recent stabbing of a lifeguard on the beach where the riots occurred. How annoying do you have to be to get Australians upset enough to riot? I got to hand it to them (Australian/Lebanese Muslims). Nonetheless, despite the best efforts of a small minority of Australian Muslims and the small minority of Anglo-Australians who overreacted to them, Australia remains the world's only truly multicultural society.The Governor of the state of NSW (where the riots occurred), Professor Marie Bashir, is herself of Lebanese origin, as is the Premier of the neighboring state of Victoria, Steve Bracks.
8:00 pm
Saturday, December 10, 2005
This is not in defense of the President but in defense of the Constitution, the institution of the Presidency and the Lebanese inter-communal dynamic. The Lebanese Constitution clearly states that the President can only be removed if he has violated the Constitution or committed treason. No evidence of either exists.If the triumphalist parliamentary majority succeeds in deposing the President (whose only “crime” to date was politically opposing late Prime Minister Hariri and not allowing him total carte blanche) and imposing their placeman, then the institution will be weakened to the extent that any Sunni who gets a flat tire will be demanding the President’s resignation for it.
1:30 pm
Monday, December 05, 2005
I’m not scared of bad people just wary of them but I am horrified of stupid people. Evil has its limits - evil is not gratuitous but is in fact very efficient whereas stupidity is endless, infinite. You can fight a bad person but you can’t fight a stupid person.
10:30 pm