Serious satire
"Humor is a funny way of being serious"
-Thomas Edison
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Copyright© 2001-2010, Renato Obeid
"Top blog/Renato Obeid's World/Today's pick: This rambling weblog is worth reading not so much for its satirical posts but more for its insight into the minutiae of life in Lebanon, including the etiquette of road accidents and how to hire a taxi.”
-Jane Perrone, The Guardian
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
- I “urge restraint”* as the Ukraine enters its third week of Presidential election controversy
I could have told them that any election where both candidates were called Victor was going to be problematic (not just any old ordinary same name but Victor too!)
I hate to say this, but I think that things are going to get even worse – when the revote is held and a victor/Victor emerges victorious, I anticipate that a very confusing “who’s on first” type situation will ensue that could throw the country into further chaos and confusion.
Ukraine’s Central Election Commission: “The victor is Victor”.
“Ok, we know that the victor is the victor but who is the victor?”
“Victor is the victor!”…
*This stock US State Department phrase was my stock phrase last summer.
I also strongly condemn the media’s false and inaccurate reporting during the crisis in the Ukraine – they’re always referring to “outgoing President Leonid Kuchma “.
He doesn’t look outgoing at all to me, in fact he looks like a miserable git!
Have you ever noticed Mr. Kuchma on television?
Now there’s a Soviet demeanour!
“Outgoing” – no.
“President” – yes.
“Leonid” – yes.
“Kutchma” – yes.
But “outgoing”, no.
5:00 am