Monday, July 12, 2004
An elephant working as a tourist attraction at the AIDS conference in Bangkok has trampled to death a fifty-five year-old man.
Typical of these left-wing do-gooders, peddling their abstract trendy disease celebre whilst, outside and under their noses, there's a very real elephant raging around f---ing people!
I'm not minimizing the horrible threat of AIDS but I just believe that all the fancy conferences, designed to assuage the consciences of rich white people, aren’t going to help unless and until the First World put their money where their mouth is and really help the Third World* that's bearing the full brunt of AIDS and a million other diseases that are more prevalent and more of a threat but not as trendy or as Hollywood patronized as AIDS.
In the meantime, practice safe sex, don’t share needles and don’t' f—k with elephants!
*The Third World should also learn some common sense and shed off the ignorance and superstion that is more of a barrier to them then anything else - no amount of aid money is going to buy common sense, it's free!
10:02 am