Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Liberian President Charles Taylor is up there with the Palestinians in the Civil Wars Caused category.
He's tailor-made civil wars in three neighbouring countries ( Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Guinea - collect the set ) and now they've boomeranged back to him at home.
What a proper charlie!
UPDATE : The Americans are reportedly on the verge of giving Taylor an ultimatum to step down.
But, emboldened by their success in Iraq, they wont be affording him the luxury of the 48 hours that Saddam had.
My sources ( who I cant name because I made them up ) have leaked an advance copy of the ultimatum to me.
It reads,
"We're going to turn around, close our eyes ( we promise not to peek ) and count to ten realy slowly ( the countdown includes 9 1/4, 9 1/2 , 9 3/4 ).
When we've done that and we open our eyes and turn around we expect President Taylor to be gone"
10:59 am