Monday, April 07, 2003
Before the war, a pro-Bush American commentator, speaking on the BBC, expressed his displeasure at the French anti-invasion stance, saying "the French invade Africa everyday" (referring to all the French intervention in various African hotspots – the most recent being French troops sent in to Ivory Coast).
A fair enough point and quite humorously expressed.
The McDonald's bombing makes a lot of sense – the terrorists are opposed to innocent Arab civilians being murdered in Iraq and Palestine, so what do they do?
They murder or attempt to murder (there but for the grace of God) innocent Arab civilians in Beirut.
Washingtonians and Televivivians must be panicking and really feeling the pressure now – surely they're now going to reconsider their support for their wars in Iraq and Palestine now that they’ve been right in the heart of…Beirut.
The name I've coined to describe this "genre' (my via dictaphone writing) is "spoken writing"; in that it is considered, studied and, I like to think, occasionally literary but more along the lines of a discourse (okay, a rant) then plain prose.
Talking in to a dictaphone ("dickheadphone" in full, you’d be surprised at how many people turn into that the moment they get one of these into their hands) and then transcribing it certainly isn’t as easy as it sounds and it certainly takes as much time as writing (often more) and involves similar processes - including a lot of stopping and starting, erasing, editing, revising etc.
It ought to be banned.
8:16 pm