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    "Top blog/Renato Obeid's World/Today's pick: This rambling weblog is worth reading not so much for its satirical posts but more for its insight into the minutiae of life in Lebanon, including the etiquette of road accidents and how to hire a taxi.” -Jane Perrone, The Guardian

    Sunday, May 20, 2001  
    Went to the football this afternoon with Sam and Kerry and Michel and Debbie and the kids to see the Bulldogs take on the Dragons at the Sydney Showgrounds at the Olympic complex.
    I’m now well and truly a convert to rugby league.
    Although I was born into Australian Rules football and grew up as an Aussie Rules fan for the past dozen years or so I’ve been a lapsed non-practicing one.
    Incidentally, the doggies lost today.
    Who let the dogs out?
    No one!
    No one let the dogs out today, it’s as if they weren’t even there.
    I saw little sign of “hooliganism” at the game but outside the stadium I saw police clearing away a group of Lebanese Muslim Canterbury supporters who were carrying a banner that read “leave us alone” (as if these indulgent morons where Chinese pro-democracy protestors or something).
    A lot of people have said that these reprobates give Lebanese a bad name; I think that they give hooligans a bad name.
    Calling them “football hooligans” is definitely a misnomer.
    I think the best way of dealing with these so-called “football hooligans” is to copy a technique used in the animal world and import natural predators – real football hooligans from the UK who would sort them out and eat them alive.
    So our current immigration requirement shouldn’t be skilled trades people (who we apparently have a dearth of and are in need of) but proper soccer hooligans.

    An article in the Daily Telegraph (London) shows a picture of the man who blew himself up outside a shopping mall in Israel killing five Israelis and provoking an Israeli military response in the Occupied Territories under the headline “This man reignited the Middle East war”.
    It’s just another typical example of the pro-Israeli anti-Arab bias of most Western news media.
    The suicide bomber did not reignite any war – the war has been going on non-stop for years.
    As a matter of fact, the bombing was in declared retaliation for the killing of five Palestinian policemen by the Israeli army on Monday (an operation which the Israeli government has described as “a mistake” though without offering an apology).

    “I looked for people to back up my views and then attributed them”
    - “The World From Italy: Football, Food and Politics”, George Negus.
    That pretty much sums up what all journalism and writing is about, despite all the myths about objectivity etc.

    The average weekly wage for an Australian male is $883.80 (450 US).

    “Wealth beyond what is natural is no more use than water to a container that is full”
    - Epicurean philosophers (ancient Greece).

    8:30 pm

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