Friday, May 25, 2001
A wedding hall collapsed in Israel today, killing scores of people.
Structural defects were blamed, so Hamas took the day off.
There’s got to be a Jewish mother-in-law joke in there!
(In a Jackie Mason New York Jewish type accent) “My mother-in-law’s so fat – I told my wife, ‘don’t bring your mother!’”
Also in the Middle East, another news story begging for a joke.
A Lebanese Armenian stole a light plane from Beirut International Airport yesterday and flew it into Israel.
After several warnings and fired warning shots, the Israeli army shot down the plane – killing its occupant.
There’s got to be an Armenian joke in there somewhere, don’t know what it is but there’s got to be one, possibly a la the jokes based on the difficulty Armenians have with the feminine and masculine in Arabic (e.g. an Armenian wanted to go to Our Lady of Lebanon and ended up at Christ the King – am I sounding like Ali G’s Borat character with these Central Asian jokes?).
“So the Armenian misunderstands, goes to the airport, steals a plane and flies it to Israel and gets shot down”.
There’s the punch line- I just need the joke.
9:03 pm