Serious satire
"Humor is a funny way of being serious"
-Thomas Edison
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Copyright© 2001-2010, Renato Obeid
"Top blog/Renato Obeid's World/Today's pick: This rambling weblog is worth reading not so much for its satirical posts but more for its insight into the minutiae of life in Lebanon, including the etiquette of road accidents and how to hire a taxi.”
-Jane Perrone, The Guardian
Thursday, April 05, 2007
EVERBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD ‘’He only wants the presidency’’ is the common refrain you’ll hear from General Aoun’s detractors. Duh! How eccentric – a politician who wants power! Stop the press! Call the Guinness Book of records quick! Mcfly! Earth to Aoun detractors! Every Maronite male over the age of ten (and possibly even younger) wants to be president. An American journalist I know compared the field of candidates in Lebanese presidential elections to the field of participants in the Boston Marathon – everyone’s a candidate (although candidates rarely ever actually declare their candidacy). Maybe that’s why the Lebanese constitution (unsuccessfully) stipulates that a president can only serve one term* – to give everybody a turn.
*Although a president may be elected again after another term has elapsed.
GENERAL ELECTRIC Say what you want about General Aoun, but this straight-talking populist sure knows how to fire up a crowd! Electrifying!
8:45 pm
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The bad news is that my watch has stopped (after I got caught in the rain during my walk on Sunday afternoon), the good news is that at least it tells the correct time twice a day. So now I have to schedule all my appointments for 4.30 in the afternoon or 4.30 in the morning. Anyway, I’m Lebanese so I don’t really need a watch. Besides, I have a brand new watch that someone gave me as a present which I don’t wear because I’m used to this old watch that I’ve had for more than twenty years (it’s more classical and streamlined than my new modern chunky watch which is very nice by the way).
7:30 pm
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
When my cousin Foaud was a toddler he used to think that there were two ‘’Lilatos’’ (what he used to call me) – the Lilato he used to see in the flesh and the Lilato he used to hear on the radio. Sometimes he used to say that he preferred ‘’the other Lilato’’ (the one on the radio) presumably because ‘’the other Lilato’’ never told him what to do and never gave him a hard time. When my mum used to baby-sit him and they’d be listening to me live on the radio in the living room, he’d go looking for me in my room and around the house during the commercial break.
Also when he was around that age, Foaud intentionally hit another child in the head with a racket. Literally playing the man not the ball. When asked what he was doing he said ‘’tennis’’. He was punished for this out of character behaviour of course. I certainly don’t condone that sort of thing, but, in his defence, tennis isn’t that popular in Lebanon, so it’s understandable for Lebanese not to have a perfect grasp of the rudiments of the game, especially at his age.
7:30 pm